We travel a lot. Weekend trips, multiple week trips, and everything in between. I have to admit, sometimes I get lazy and buy disposables for trips. Especially trips that are more than 4 days, as that is about how long our stash lasts. Sometimes I wash diapers when we travel, sometimes I don't. But usually if our trip is less than 4 days we take cloth. Honestly, Fisher is so long and lanky, his clothes fit much better with cloth on. With disposables his pants won't stay up, they just slide right down the plastic! Traveling with cloth diapers is not a big deal. We use mainly GroVia diapers - which are excellent for traveling. We use Grovia's All-In-Two diapers, which consists of a waterproof shell and an insert that you can change out when it gets wet. This way I only have to take 6 or 7 shells with a bunch of soakers. When Fisher pees, I just unsnap the soaker and snap in a fresh one. When he poops, I switch out the shell and the soaker. It is as easy as that!
For nightime use I pack a couple of fitted diapers and a few covers. And then I always end up putting one or two of my favorite "cute" diapers in, entirely for show off. This time I am taking an owl print All-in-Two from Itty Bitty Bums (http://ittybittybums.com/) and a bird All-in-Two from Cow Patties (http://cowpattiescloth.blogspot.com/). Both are extremely well made and very affordable as well as stinking adorable if you are interested in some unique and great prices on diaps :)
I also take a large wetbag for stashing the diaps until we get home and a small wetbag to take on outings.
My traveling stash -

It kind of looks like a lot, but I can fit it all into a small duffle bag.

Nothing to it! It takes about as much time to get everything together as it does to run to the store and buy disposables, and it is much cuter :)
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