Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Fisher!

If you know me, you know that I am very rarely at a loss for words. But I am now. There really are no words sufficient to express all I am feeling today on my son's first birthday. What a rollercoaster of a year - so many highs and quite a few lows. I don't think most people realized how low some of those lows were - I had a lot of fears that I didn't express too often to too many people. But the highs, I loved sharing the highs with everyone like only a proud mama can do!
So today is Fisher's first birthday. He was born at 2:47 am on Sept 14th 2009. Born to parents that loved him and wanted him so much, but had a lot to learn! We did it though - together the three of us learned and grew. We survived the first year as parents and Fisher survived his first year having us as parents.
Fisher is now a happy, healthy toddler. He walks around smiling and pointing at almost everything. When he wants to know what something is, he grabs my finger and points at it. He loves cats, dogs, balls, and his cousin Emerson. He giggles and runs from you when you chase him. He has added something to my life that I didn't even know was missing (hence waiting until I was 30 to have my first kid! lol). Happy Birthday Fisher! As Shawn said, we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you in the years to come!


  1. So sweet. <3 I remember when my first turned one. It was so weird because I was looking forward to the toddler, walking and talking but I wasn't ready for him to not be a baby anymore either. This time its more heavy sided on not wanting him to not be a baby! lol

    Fisher is such a handsome boy. Happy birthday little man! I hope you have lots of fun! Happy Birth- day to you too mama. You have created a beautiful little life.

  2. Awww me and Gray are honored to have made it into Fisher's First slideshow :) It is kind of amazing to look at him at a year ago and then today - they grow so much and it is crazy how much different they look! It's like, I know it is the same baby, and there are things that are the same - their eyes, mostly - but they look so totally different! You have a handsome, amazing, healthy little boy and we are so happy to get to grow up with ya'll!

  3. Aww! Love the pictures! Happy 1st Birthday Fisher!!
