Fisher took his first unassisted steps yesterday. I was incredibly impressed; he didn't even realize he did it. He was standing with his cousin Emerson (who is 4) and she walked away and he followed for a second. He did it again later that night when we were at home. Shawn was looking out the window - which is one of Fisher's favorite pastimes. I guess he wanted to join Daddy at the window and he took off towards it. I was so excited I screamed at Shawn "LOOK!!" and Fisher stopped in his tracks and fell. Oops, my bad.
Anyway - Fisher is very tall and lanky and we have been thinking he would be on the later side of walking in order to get his balance under control, so I really wasn't expecting him to take his first few steps at 10.5 months. He still has a long way to go and a lot of balance to figure out but it is a start.
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